Well I have the Book of Virtue by William Bennett and for a long time I thought it would make a great curriculum but I didn't want to mess with it...guess what? Someone already did it and it's FREE!! It's an amazing resource with over 900 pages! If you add in some math, writing or copywork, phonics if you need reading, you'll have a complete year for free!
Book of Virtue Curriculum
The Sun is coming up later now and lower in the sky...welcome autumn with activities for everyday!
Ever need to come up with something fun to do with the kids but don't have a clue what?? Did you know that Enchanted Learning has a monthly calendar of activities?? You could even use this for a jumping off point to study instead of doing unit studies or workbooks! FUN! If you unschool you could strew this site and see what interests the kids and let them have at it. Or if your more traditional homeschooler, just plan your week based on the activities
Here's the calendar for September 2018 Enjoy!