Friday, November 22, 2013

Transfer iTunes to an External Hard Drive!

Well it finally happened....I have no hard drive space thanks to tons of shows and movies.  Time to move the iTunes library.  Here's a great tutorial on how to do it thanks to StevesMacFix

How To Move Your iTunes Library To An External Hard Drive

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sparkle Stories - Audio Advent Calender !!

Well you know I love, love, love Sparkle Stories...and now there is more to love because they have a new Martin & Sylvia Audio Advent Calendar with lovely stories for each day of advent!! Sooo Cool!

While you're there you might want to pick up the Thanksgiving one so you don't have board kids on the way to grandmas!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Kiddie Records! Holy Hi-Fi Batman! - Replay

Here's a post from the past (5/12/12) that would be nice to use when you feel like turning on the TV.

Well if you're feeling a need to let the kidlets relive your youth...or you need some fun entertainment go check out:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Crafty Crow - Forest Chore Chart!

Oh My Gosh!  This is so stinking cute!!!  This chore chart is from Crafty Crow, one of my fav sites for...well..everything crafty of course.  Click on the pic to get the instructions :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homemade Deodorant...Again!

Here's a repost from a couple of years ago that I STILL use!

I'm always on the lookout for homemade deodorant since using the store brand has been linked to breast cancer (your glands are in your armpits...and breasts are glands as well..)

This homemade recipe is completely natural and harmless. And cheap. Maybe not cheaper than a deodorant crystal (since those last years and years!), but still cheap. :) You can add essential oils to make it smell nice as well. Just be careful of some essential oils because they are very strong. I've used lavender and sweet orange. Also if you want to make it totally organic just use organic products.

So I came across this receipe:

Ingredients for homemade deodorant:

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrow root powder OR corn starch
5 tablespoons coconut oil
10 drops of essential oil

Directions for making homemade deodorant:

1. Combine baking soda and arrow root powder in a bowl and mix with a fork.

2. Start with about 4 tablespoons/one-fourth cup of coconut oil and essential oils.   Add the coconut oil to the baking soda mixture, working into a paste. 

The deodorant will have somewhat of a play-dough consistency, and will be softer or harder depending on its temperature. You can put the deodorant into a small container with a lid, or into an empty stick deodorant dispenser if you have one. My deodorant hardened somewhat after I put it into a container. 

And the results are in:

I've used this deoderant for about two years now and it REALLY works! I live where it is really humid and most natural deoderants just can't hold up and this one holds up ALL DAY! But it's not an antiperspirant so expect to sweat a little. Besides that's the part that clogs up the glands anyways.

DO NOT put on after shaving your're warned!  You will probably get an angry red rash.  If that happens just stop applying it for a couple of days until the rash heals up.  Then only apply 8 or so hours after shaving.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Outback Steakhouse! Kids Eat Free Halloween!

Just in case you don't want to cook and would rather grab a bag of snickers at the grocery store for the kids than roam the neighborhood in the freezing that just me???

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homeschooling and The Plugged In Generation!

This is from

This was was an article that appeared in The MOORE REPORT INTERNATIONAL - September/October 1998.  Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore are considered the "grandparents" of the homeschool movement.  The wrote 

 and several others.  Dr Moore was almost always used as an expert witness for homeschooling parents back in the day when homeschooling was illegal.  They led the charge....

Effect of the "On-Screen Age" on Families

by Dorothy Moore
Like the proverbial fly caught in th spider's web, our society is caught in the "on-screen" trend which threatens the existence of home-life as it used to be. Everywhere we look, we are urged to rent a video; load a new software game; watch a special TV show; or surf the Web. From the screen come pictures, information overload, trivia, and various stimuli which rule our lives.
Research on television has long shown that it is mostly negative with bad language and amorality, if not immorality. It is designed to "hook" the listener and create curiosity for what's next, that is hard to resist. I have never known of a family who has been really successful in controlling it, especially when Mom or Dad is busy, gone, or preoccupied. It could be compared to a dangerous undertow in the ocean, because of the way its temptations pull us under. Some people, including adults, seem to be almost hypnotized with this addiction. TV is empty, impoverishes instead of feeds, and has persuasive power to shape the minds of the watchers.
But what about videos in our homes where we can be selective instead of going to the theater where many have thought the influences and/or the second feature might be objectionable? Some think there's little or no difference. My dad was not a Christian but he had high standards for us children and we were never allowed to got to the theater. At its best anything theatrical is an escape from reality. And even then there is always pressure for more of the same, so that children, especially, are led so far from real life that it is difficult to help them learn responsibility and the consequences of impulsive actions.
What about educational videos? No doubt there are some very informative videos which teach about specific things the family may be studying. But these need to be carefully selected and limited, with the children knowing that they are expected to give input on discussion afterward. One long-time educator remembers when films came into the schools and were predicted to be the great tool of teaching. "But sitting in the dark put too many kids to sleep," he said, "and most of the expensive equipment wound up in closets." One man recalls the use of films when he was in school: "We loved them because we didn't have to think for an hour, teachers loved them because they didn't have to teach, and parents loved them because it showed their schools were high-tech. But no learning happened."
Then how about computers? We have been warned about the dangerous information that can be found in cyberspace in terms of standards and, educationally speaking, there is much doubt even among educators that computers produce excellent learning. At present says The Atlantic Monthly  of July 1997, "There is no good evidence that most uses of computers significantly improve teaching and learning." And the Nov. 10, 1997 issue ofEducation Week reported, "There is no guarantee that technology improves student achievement." Many experts agree that technology's complexity is better suited to students at the high school level and possibly children with disabilities. Generally the younger children need the "hands-on opportunity to manipulate physical objects" that computers cannot offer. Even Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers, who has probably given away more computers to schools than anyone else, has come to the conclusion that no amount of technology will make a dent in the problems of education.
Specialists have stated their concern that because computers separate children from reality, they may indeed hinder rather than enhance basic learning, creativity and intuition. Like other on-screen devices, they represent passive learning when children need active learning. They also largely eliminate parent-child interaction. As I have quoted before, in connection with methods Christ used in training His disciples: "It is not the highest work of education to communicate knowledge merely, but to impart that vitalizing energy which is received through the contact of mind with mind, and soul with soul. It is only life that can beget life." Desire of the Ages, p. 250
Several principles apply to the decisions which parents need to make. The first consideration has to do with CHOICE -- to see or not to see, to hear or not to hear. Is it worth the time it takes, are there other constructive activities which would be better (such as exercise which is seldom adequate), is the program in our home in balance? Next are LIMITS and CONTROLS. I have known of constructive time (not games) on the computer used as a reward for goals met in both physical and mental work. This has helped with a reluctant learner. Then there are the STANDARDS we must set for the images and sounds with which we choose to spend time. Shall we set our standards at a level somewhat higher than society we live in? Their standards are going downhill every day. So if we compare ourselves with society, our standards will also go down. The only safe way is to set our standard by Phil. 4:8. "...whatsoever things are true... honest... just... pure... lovely... good report... think on these things." Or I Cor. 10:31 "...whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

A Pair Of Red Clogs Links!

SS:  Geography
                      Geography of Japan
                      Japan - National Geographic Traveler
                      Tour Of Traditional Japanese Home
                      Traditional Japanese Drummers
                      Traditional Japanese Music Performance
                      Cooking Sukiyaki - Very Traditional Japanese Meal
                      Japanese Culture Circa 1963
                      Japanese Clog (geta) Shop
                      Japanese Rain Geta (clogs)
                      Walking On Wood

***Beefing UP

Research Japan in an encyclopedia and write a sentence or paragraph about it Or make a map and mark important cities and Mt. Fuji

LA - Vocab- word search
         Drama - Act Out

Art -  Colored Pencil
         Unity of Theme Through Color          
         Make a Picture in the Style of the Artist

Math - Playing Store, Money and adding Money

***Beef UP   
           Add up the shoes the Store owner has
Science - Weather
                Weather for Kids
                Weather Forecasting

                  All About Clouds

***Beef UP 

                 Cloud In A Bottle Experiment

Go to Japanese Dinner or make it!!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Need Homeschool Inspriration??

Well you've probably been homeschooling for a month or so now and for some people this is when they start seeing what they don't like about their new curriculum and are a little discouraged...Read this great post!!  So inspiring and shows you that you don't need TONS of expensive curriculum to homeschool...

Greater Expectations

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Book Of Knowledge Encyclopedias!

So If you're looking at using The Robinson Curriculum or  are currently using RC (or even if you don't) you may be wondering about how kids will learn things besides what's in the booklist (not that it isn't fabulous because it is).  Here's where Dr. Robinson recommends The Book of Knowledge Encyclopedias and the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica in the Course of Study.  The 1911 Encyclopedia is included in the CD's but I recommend buying them since there are so many but you do have the option so that's nice. The other encyclopedia, The Book Of Knowledge,  you can use for younger children is not on the CD's.  If you're like me you may want to see what in the world is included and a little history.  So here you go.  I Highly recommend The Book Of Knowledge and in fact have 2 copies of them.  All other current event type stuff or  high tech technology you can get at a library...for free.  So why would I pick really, really old encyclopedias??  Because humanism hadn't pervaded every nook and cranny and these actually speak of God and the Bible, not as some reference material but as the Word of God.

The cool part to these encyclopedias is that they are arranged randomly rather than by alphabetically.  So in one volume you may read about the great poets of the romantic period, water, engineering etc.  I find myself picking them up and reading them they are so interesting...but I'm a geek like that.

Here's the history of them  The Book of Knowledge History

They also came with a Study Guide and Character Guide:

The Study guide could be it's own curriculum it's so packed with info and arranged by grades.  Very cool stuff!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Wild Horses of Sweetbriar Links

***Updated 7/2015

Here's the book being read 

Social Studies - Nantucket
                          Nantucket Island

                           Island of Wild Horses- Chicoteaque

                          Chincoteaque   Wild Horse Swim

                          Living in Isolation-discuss
                          Go Swim in the Pool like the horses!!

                          Misty of Chincoteaque - THE MOVIE  1961


LA - Fiction vs. Non-fiction
         Drama - Act Out
         Color a wild horse page

Art -  Spattering for Effect
          Depicting Memories or Dreams
          Make a Picture in the Style of the Artist

Math - Gallons, Quarts & Pints - play with water
            Liquid Measurement Song
            Liquid Measurement Game - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
            OJ Game

Science - Weathering & Erosion
                 Erosion and Weathering
                   Weathering and Erosion    *** Beef up for olders...great shot of Cape Cod!!
                 Bill Nye Weathering - ***References to millions of years
                 Childcraft-World & Space pg 40
                 Erosion Pics
                 Cape Cod House Weathering Pics

                  Childcraft Encyclopedia -Our Amazing Bodies pg196-197


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Young Folks Bible - Robinson Curriculum!

If you have the Robinson Curriculum then you know there is a children's bible included that I finally bound today.  I really, really like this bible and how well it turned out so I thought I'd share!  Now before you ask how you print and bind a book you can look here and here.  Really it's not that hard once you've done the first one...though I have to admit that this one was bigger than most of the ones of
I've done before.  I printed over 5 days so I wasn't overwhelmed with lots of pages to do in one day.  I did 100 a day which was really doable ...for me anyways!  I know this sounds corny but after printing this I feel a real connection to the past...a la' William Tyndale.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Homemade Vitamin C Face Towlettes

image by BellaSugar

I love my Vit C towlettes for my face but...holy cow are they expensive! So I knew I could find a way to make these....

Barking Starfishs' Vitamin C Towlettes


  •  Bounty Napkins  or 12  3×3 inch cotton cloths or facecloths
  • Warm water enough to cover and soak the napkins or cloths to make them damp
  • 3 tbsp. warmed organic virgin coconut oil so that it is liquid
  • 1 t. Planet Ultra Dishwashing Liquid - This is better than baby shampoo and hypo-allergenic
  • 3 drops tea tree  (antibacterial aka mold inhibitor) 
  • 8 drops of Lavender or Rose essential oils 
  • 1/8 t. or less Vitamin C powder   (ascorbic acid)  you can sometimes find this at drugstores and natural food stores or online at can get a pill grinder and make it out of vit. c tablets
Place napkins in either an old baby wipes dispenser or use a gallon ziplock bag.  Put the rest of the ingredients in and walla!

*** Common careful near your eyes and if a rash occurs, stop using it!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Need To Cut Down On Your Grocery Bill...and Menu Plan??

I found this great website from a gal who won Dave Ramsey's contest of eliminating debt.  It's menu planning and it takes whats on sale and uses recipes that are...wait for it...actually good!  and...IT'S ONLY $5.00 a's a total steal at this price!!  Click on the pics to find out more :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Amanda Bennett's Crunchy Cookies SALE!! $3.00 ONE DAY ONLY!!

Amanda Bennett is running a ONE DAY only sale on Crunchy Cookies!  Here's your chance to get this fun unit study and use it on your tablet OR your computer :)  Click on the pic above and use the code CookieDay when you check out to get the discount!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Cactus Hotel Unit Study

We did this a couple of months ago when we were on vacay but here's the list of studies we did

Social Studies - Hotels, community, Life & Death, Age

Geography - Sonoran Desert

Art - Watercolor, shadows, use of color to depict twilight, storms etc.  color pallet when  depicting the death of the saguaro (browns)

LA - Italics (first page)

Vocab:  Saguaro
              Paloverde Tree

Math:  Measurement, Weight (tons), 2000 (counting),

Science:  Desert - Specifically Sonoran Desert
                Animals - Pack Rat, Spotted Ground Squirrel (chipmunk), Jackrabbit, coyote, gila woodpecker, elf owl, mice, lizards, snakes, foxes, bats (fruit).
                Plants:  Paloverde Tree
                Life Cycle of Plants
                Habitats (biomes)

Activities:  Watched Reading Rainbow - Cactus Hotel!  This was so much fun for the kids since it was the book and we WERE in the Sonoran Desert...and the cactus were in bloom!


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Fun! or Almost FREE Curriculum!

It's that time of year when:

  1. You're kids are starting to get bored because you're not schoolin' year 'round or
  2. You're looking for FREE or nearly free curriculum for the next year

I've got you covered with two really great options.  First you'll notice that my left sidebar has lots of curriculum listed and included in that is a section on free curriculum.  But let's say you want lesson plans and free curriculum???

Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool   which is Charlotte Mason influenced.  This has everything you'll need to homeschool your kids to 8th grade and now the owner is starting on highschool.  This is a missionary family so please consider donating to help them!  If you have a tablet ....this curriculum rocks!


for ONLY $15.95  Everything Homeschool  which is more unit study and delight directed influenced.   Here's a free sample of the weekly lesson plans  Here's the free stuff off Everything Homeschool.  Here's some summer fun and here's their magazine blog  Homeschool Fun with stuff that's fun to do in summer or...whenever!

Both are fabulous resources for summer or you're whole school year!  They both have lesson plans and free forms for tracking with probably Everything Homeschool having quite a bit more in that category.