Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Wild Horses of Sweetbriar Links

***Updated 7/2015

Here's the book being read 

Social Studies - Nantucket
                          Nantucket Island

                           Island of Wild Horses- Chicoteaque

                          Chincoteaque   Wild Horse Swim

                          Living in Isolation-discuss
                          Go Swim in the Pool like the horses!!

                          Misty of Chincoteaque - THE MOVIE  1961


LA - Fiction vs. Non-fiction
         Drama - Act Out
         Color a wild horse page

Art -  Spattering for Effect
          Depicting Memories or Dreams
          Make a Picture in the Style of the Artist

Math - Gallons, Quarts & Pints - play with water
            Liquid Measurement Song
            Liquid Measurement Game - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
            OJ Game

Science - Weathering & Erosion
                 Erosion and Weathering
                   Weathering and Erosion    *** Beef up for olders...great shot of Cape Cod!!
                 Bill Nye Weathering - ***References to millions of years
                 Childcraft-World & Space pg 40
                 Erosion Pics
                 Cape Cod House Weathering Pics

                  Childcraft Encyclopedia -Our Amazing Bodies pg196-197


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