Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kindergarten Curriculum Revist

So can someone say crash and burn?

Since my original post (you can find it here) I have radically changed the way we are doing school. I dumped my original plan and I dove into KONOS Unit studies which we love but I felt like there was no organization in how the material was being given and I've been hording Sonlight catalogs forever...drooling.. so...I took the plunge and love the combo of using both!

We also love our nature study books and I just can't say enough good things about Kindergarten Gems and For The Children's Hour. Every kid should sit with mommy listening to these great stories over and over...well you get the idea.

So on the weekends I use Five In A Row and during the week I use Sonlight mixed with activities and the above mentioned old readers and it's working great. We're still Using Queens stuff for the three R's mixed with lots of 3R games.

So I guess what I'm saying is...we read and play ALOT! Sounds fun no?

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