Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Elderberry Syrup

So the elderberries are ready to be picked so why not make some syrup? Elderberry syrup is known for being a strong anti-viral (aka flu fighter)

Elderberry Syrup

  • 1 cup fresh or 1/2 cup dried elderberries
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 cup RAW honey (most honey is not raw so check)
1. Heat the berries and water to a boil, then reduce to simmer for 30-45 minuets.
2. Mash the berries, strain, and add 1 cup of honey. I add a half cup of the purple liquid to a measuring cup, then pour in honey until the total volume is 1 1/2 cups. Then stir to mix well, and add to the rest of the reserved liquid.
3. Bottle and store, refrigerated. for 2-3 months.
4. Enjoy a tablespoon daily to keep the immune system strong, use more often when afflicted with the flu.

Planning...Where Art Thou?

So I thought I'd share an app I've used since it first came out that rocks for planning your day. It's called HomeRoutines. Seriously I have everything on this from chores to homeschool to housekeeping.

And for those who are app's what I use to use: Hipster PDA then I moved on to D*I*Y Planner

which I still use on occasion which moved me to: Hipster POD because I had my HomeRoutines but still wanted my D*I*Y Planner with me.

Happy Planning

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kindergarten Curriculum Revist

So can someone say crash and burn?

Since my original post (you can find it here) I have radically changed the way we are doing school. I dumped my original plan and I dove into KONOS Unit studies which we love but I felt like there was no organization in how the material was being given and I've been hording Sonlight catalogs forever...drooling.. so...I took the plunge and love the combo of using both!

We also love our nature study books and I just can't say enough good things about Kindergarten Gems and For The Children's Hour. Every kid should sit with mommy listening to these great stories over and over...well you get the idea.

So on the weekends I use Five In A Row and during the week I use Sonlight mixed with activities and the above mentioned old readers and it's working great. We're still Using Queens stuff for the three R's mixed with lots of 3R games.

So I guess what I'm saying is...we read and play ALOT! Sounds fun no?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sonlight Printable BookList With Descriptions

So I don't know about you but the new catalog for Sonlight left me a little bereft. I think a great majority of us use it to read all the fabulous descriptions of the books for each core. Well this year they took that part out and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to find it online....until today. So here's the instructions to get a printable booklist with descriptions like you use to get in the catalog.

1. Go to the grade you would like
2. Pick the tab for Core Program (not multi subject or instructor's guide)
3. Pick the core you would like with the readers you would like with the dot
4. Pick included items tab
5. click booklist with description on the right hand side on the top

For me this seems like a lot to do to just get the booklist. I for one will definitely be missing my rendezvous with my Sonlight catalog in my bathtub filled with bubbles after the kids are asleep but this will have to do for now.