Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Home Made Deodorant!

Update at bottom***

I'm always on the lookout for homemade deodorant since using the store brand has been linked to breast cancer (your glands are in your armpits...and breasts are glands as well..)

This homemade recipe is completely natural and harmless. And cheap. Maybe not cheaper than a deodorant crystal (since those last years and years!), but still cheap. :) You can add essential oils to make it smell nice as well. Just be careful of some essential oils because they are very strong. I've used lavender and sweet orange. Also if you want to make it totally organic just use organic products.

So I came across this receipe:

Ingredients for homemade deodorant:

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrow root powder OR corn starch
5 tablespoons coconut oil
10 drops of essential oil

Directions for making homemade deodorant:

1. Combine baking soda and arrow root powder in a bowl and mix with a fork.

2. Start with about 4 tablespoons/one-fourth cup of coconut oil and essential oils.   Add the coconut oil to the baking soda mixture, working into a paste.

The deodorant will have somewhat of a play-dough consistency, and will be softer or harder depending on its temperature. You can put the deodorant into a small container with a lid, or into an empty stick deodorant dispenser if you have one. My deodorant hardened somewhat after I put it into a container.

And the results are in:

I've used this deoderant for about two months now and it REALLY works! I live where it is really humid and most natural deoderants just can't hold up and this one holds up ALL DAY! But it's not an antiperspirant so expect to sweat a little. Besides that's the part that clogs up the glands anyways.

Update*** so I've now used this 2 years without problems and it works!

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