Monday, July 26, 2010

Asian Pasta Salad

Love this recipe!!

You'll Need:

1lb Linguine

4T oriental sesame oil
3T honey
3T soy sauce
3T balsamic vinegar (this one cracks me up because it's not asian...)
Dash (or more) of cayenne pepper
3 red bell pepper, seeded, thinly sliced
3 c snow peas
1 onion, thinly sliced (I omit this because the kids won't eat it..)
Peanuts, hulled

Cook pasta according to directions. Drain well and add a little olive oil so it won't stick. Transfer to a large container. Whisk the sesame oil, honey, soy sauce, vinegar and cayenne pepper. Heat 1T oil (any kind will do) in pan and saute bell peppers, peas and onion until beginning to wilt about 2 minutes. Add veggies to pasta and refrigerate. When ready to serve mix in peanuts and dressing.

Alternate: use frozen veggies and add to pasta water for two minutes. Drain and add a little olive oil and refrigerate

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