Monday, June 18, 2018

The Year Of Horses

It started like most other years...except I decided to share a movie, a movie I've loved since I was 12, The Black Stallion.  I remember distinctly thinking, "if the kids don't like this...I'm not keeping them."  Just kidding...or maybe not.  :P  I didn't have to worry because the incredible photography sucked them in just like it did me as a kid.  AND THE STORY!  We went on to read the book, and then they both read the book by themselves.  We turned our reading into a unit study, and found out about all kinds of interesting things from each chapter.  I had no lesson plan, just me and the kids on the couch, discussing whatever interesting tidbits each chapter, grammar, history, geography, etc.   It was a game changer kind of year.  Read the book and discuss together and that's was it.  No lessons plans just freestyling.....aka Moore Homeschooling or Ruth Beechick.  

But that movie started what has now been "The Year of Horses".   We had a book from a KONOS unit we did called The Blind Colt so we read that again...and discussed.  So then they put the book in the car so they could both read it! We moved onto Misty of Chincoteague  and discussed it just like we did the last one.  Then we watched the 1960's movie and did a compare and contrast.....time out....just to be transparent here, we've watched this movie (Misty) a couple of times for years but I didn't realize how much they liked it. {mom fail}

And then we moved on to Stormy, Misty's Foal.  We'll next be heading into King of the Wind

Maybe you need a break, maybe you need a change of pace, or maybe you just need to relax a little because the kids are hating homeschool.  Either way, I hope this will inspire you to read books YOU love and share that love with the kids.  

Learning don't have to force it.

14 Above all these, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together perfectly; 15 and let the shalom {peace} which comes from the Messiah be your heart’s decision-maker, for this is why you were called to be part of a single Body.
And be thankful —

Colossians 3:14-15 CJB

**If you're nervous about unity studies - Try out Amanda Bennett - Horses or Handsome Horses

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