Friday, June 29, 2018

Summer Bucket List!

I've loved Homeschool Share for over 10 years's hard to believe!  Here's a fantastic summer bucket list from quite a few years ago that we still use. And they have a printable if you want...or don't :)  I've updated the links since some were dead.

1. Make homemade ice cream and eat it for dinner!
2. Have a water balloon fight!
3. Pick wildflowers and give the bouquet away to a neighbor, grandparent, or someone else who needs some cheer!
4. Run through the sprinkler.
5. Go berry picking and make homemade jam.
6. Make sun prints.
7. Hang a birdfeeder.
8. Construct picture props like mustaches, hats, etc. and take silly photos.
9. Plant a sunflower house and Read Eve Bunting’s Sunflower House.
10.  Bake cookies in a solar oven.
11.  Find some smooth rocks and paint them as insects or people or create a pet rock.
12.  Go roller skating.
13.  Play at the park.
14.  Go camping in your driveway or back yard.
15.  Catch lightning bugs in a jar and read Fireflies by Julie Brinkloe
16.  Ride a carousel or a merry-go-round.
17.  Freeze some chocolate-dipped bananas.
18.  Plan a movie night!
19.  Have a teddy bear picnic! Invite friends and read The Teddy Bears’ Picnic.
20.  Ride a horse, even if it’s just a homemade stick horse.
21.  Make some summer funny faces.
22.  Catch a caterpillar and keep it until it turns into a butterfly.
23.  Set up a lemonade stand; donate profits to a charity.
24. Catch a raindrop in your mouth.
25.  Go bowling.
26.  Stay up late and go star gazing. Look for shooting stars!
27. Serve strawberry shortcake for breakfast!
28.  Have a family game night.
29. Invite another family to your house and host a water gun fight!
30. Visit a local creek and catch crawdads. Read Crawdad Creek together.
31. After a good rain, go mud-puddle splashing!
32.  Go swimming!
34.  Have a picnic in your backyard.
35.  Concoct some homemade popsicles!
36.  Make giant wands and blow bubbles
37.  Create a scavenger hunt for your kids, or let them create one for you!
38.  Roast hotdogs and S’mores over a fire.
39.  Have a Family Talent Show night!
40.  Make a piñata.
42.  Make frozen treasures and let your kids excavate them!
43.  Craft some wind chimes.
44.  Go bird watching.
46.  Go to a small airport and watch the planes take off and land.
47.  Make sun tea punch.
48.  Play miniature golf.
49.  Build a balloon powered car.
50.  Lie on your back and watch the clouds go by, looking for animal shapes.
51.  Roll down a hill!
52.  Bake a fruit pizza, and eat it for dinner!
53.  Go to the zoo.
54.  Tie-dye T-shirts (outside!)
55.  Craft a outdoor painting.
56.  Go on a hike and look for animal tracks.
57. Build a worm farm.
58.  Jump rope!
59.  Make paper beads for stringing bracelets and necklaces.
60.  Construct an obstacle course in the backyard.
61.  Make mud pies.
62.  Plan a special day away to state park or museum.
63.   Have a wet sponge fight!
64.  Make a rain gauge to measure the rainfall.
65.  Build a fort!
66.  Drink root beer floats.
68.  Write a letter to a friend or grandparent.
69.  Visit a new festival.
70.  Have a build your own banana split night!
71.  Offer to plant flowers at a nursing home or church.
72.  Make fireworks in a jar.
73.  Blow up some fizzy explosion bags!
74.  Play Frisbee together.
75.  Wash the car or the dog (or both!).
76.  Take a family bike ride.
77.  Play games with Glow Sticks!
78.  Plan a one day road trip!
79.  Make Snow Cones.
81.  Press some wildflowers.  - Fun ideas 
82.  Have a puppet show with homemade puppets.
83.  Make a boat and sail it in your tub, in a swimming pool, in a creek, or at a pond.
84.  Go fishing!
85.  Dance in the rain!
86.  Go to an outdoor play or concert.
87.  Craft some friendship bracelets.
88.   On a rainy day, construct a marble maze.
90.   Craft a sun catcher.
91.  Go to the movies!
92.  Build a birdhouse.
93.  Spend a day at the fair.
94.  Make a firefly jar! (So cool!)  or Here Read When Lightning Comes in a Jar.
95.  Try to read 100 books (every reader in the house can contribute!).
96.  Make ice boats.
97.  Visit a local Farmer’s Market and try something new.
98.  Watch a parade.
99.  Construct a tin foil river!
100.   Go out for a frozen treat! Read Ice Cream: The Full Scoop.

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