Friday, November 3, 2017

Genesis Science Network! - Homeschool Science the EASY way

Oh my!!  What a resource this is!  If you homeschool for half a second you know that science shows on TV are NOT creation worries now because Genesis Science Network has you covered!  

Seriously, this is very exciting and you can stream on most of your devices or watch on streaming TV through apps OR if you don't have those you can stream it on your computer. 

They have 24 hour programing and while there is repeats it's so refreshing to be able to click this on and not have to do the usual..."no honey we don't believe we came from apes"  or  "no honey we don't believe the universe is 60 billion years old" bit.  Click the picture or here and GO DONATE so they stay on!

We plan on using this for science this year..nice and easy for mommy ;)

**I was not paid for this....we just love this channel!

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