Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Homeschool Philosophy?? Forget About It!

Want to know the quickest way to go crazy?  

Read about homeschool Philosophies...  

Or worse decide what homeschool philosophy you are and then inflict it upon the kids until you all burn-out...ask me how I know that one.   Are you: Classical, Charlotte Mason, Traditional (textbook), Unit Study...???    Here's the secret that new (and maybe old) homeschoolers should learn...ready...wait for it....  Don't get hung up on a homeschool philosophy.  As a matter of fact, just forget about homeschool philosophies in general and start with finding a math program that works for you and the kids.  That should keep you busy for most of your homeschool career..only slightly kidding there. 

It's pretty common knowledge from the pioneer homeschoolers that all you really needed was a math curriculum and a library card.  That's all you need...yes, really.

You don't need a fancy, schmancy, expensive curriculum that costs $1,000+  per child. Remember one room schoolhouses?  They had all levels and the teacher wasn't running around like a crazy woman, trying to find the best curriculum.  She barely had resources AND she had the older kids teach the younger kids.  She grouped the children by ability, regardless of age.  

Now you may be asking okay, BUT, what about Language Arts?  Well, here again,  you don't need a super expensive curriculum to teach reading.  You can do it quite easily with a book you probably already have....the Bible.  Guess what?  That's how the founding fathers of America were taught and they seemed to do okay....I mean, they founded a COUNTRY, you're just trying to get your kids to read. If you use technology Leap Frog Letter Factory will have them learning those ABC's super fast and their sounds (phonics).  After that move on to Leap Frog Word Factory .  We found them at the library so you may not even need to buy them.  

Penmanship?  Just start with them learning the letters of the alphabet that you write, and then move on to copying the Bible.

Grammar?  Buy an old copy of Easy Grammar Level 1 and go over a sheet a day or two once a week.  On other days use Daily Grams 5-6 for all of your scholars.  No matter how you slice it... It's the same 8 parts of speech whether you're in 3rd grade or 12th.  For laughs you can include Mad Libs for learning the parts of speech.  Just google it and you should have a ton of options for free to print.  Don't start grammar too early though (like before 10), it's a pretty abstract idea and really 
just needed  for testing more than anything else.  For Fun you can watch Schoolhouse Rock and learn the parts of speech fast and easy!...they'll even learn some US History and Science.

Spelling?  This is really used for writing and I'd say about half the kids are naturally good at it while the others...not so much.  For fun you can use Spelling Classroom or it's free version Grade Spelling.  We like Spelling Classroom better because it tracks progress AND the kids can play games that are actually fun. For an offline version just pick out words based on their abilities from the Bible and use those for spelling words.

Writing?  Well, a persuasive essay can wait until High School.  You just need them to write about their day, or who blessed them, or who can they bless?  Have the Youngers make a picture and write a sentence or two, Middles need to write a 1/2 page or so based on their skills and Olders 1-2ish pages.  These are approximates, so you'll need to figure what works for your kids.  Don't make them write book reports, they are pretty much a useless modern school invention to determine if a class of 30 kids read the book.  You live with your kids so I'm assuming you know if they read something.    If you need to figure out what they learned in a book, ask them to make a quiz for everyone to take...that's sure to crack everyone up! You could even post it over at Review Game Zone and let everyone in the house take it AND play games!

High School Writing?  Okay, now is the time for that persuasive essay.  Time to tell the difference between schmoozing and being schmoozed..aka Logic.   Writing an essay a day about everything that interests them and why!  Teenagers love to argue so put those skills to good use! ;)  

If you need to keep track of all your schooling this journal looks cool...OR just get A.C.E. Paces and let it teach while you keep things humming....just sayin'  Make sure you take the A.C.E.  free diagnostic test so you can place your kids where they need to be.  If you're doing it online I'd sit with them to make sure they are hitting the right buttons.  If you take that A.C.E. route make sure you read my post about how to make it fun and enjoyable for everyone. 

  • Do what works for your family
  • Homeschool during the hours that work for you, even if it's at 9pm!  Split up your homeschool hours if you need to.  A little in the morning, a little in the evenings.
  • Fun learning when you can (think weekends & evenings): If all your kids like different things to study...pick the one that's easiest for you, not them.  There's lots of them and only one of you.  You'll teach what you're interested in with enthusiasm which they will  catch on. 
  • Use technology such as streaming (documentaries, etc..) and audio books.
  • Kids need tools, not more toys.  Real jobs require real tools and knowledge.  Teach them how to fix everything....from lunch to the kitchen sink!  If they want to learn chemistry get them the REAL deal, not a toy kit (and supervise of course!)  If you don't know how to fix or make stuff, look it up on Youtube together. 
  • You are your own team!  Do everything you can together including chores...yes it will take longer but you'll have less drama about "did you do____" nonsense.

If using technology works for you...use it.  Make a Youtube channel with all the stuff you want your kids to know and let them watch it. Yes,  it may take some time - or a lot of time - but when you're sick or need a break, there it is waiting for you to access when you need it most.  *Getting on my soapbox*  make sure you have the settings set for children on Youtube, and DON'T let them watch it without supervision.  

 "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace."

1 Corinthians 14:33a ESV

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