Monday, January 4, 2016

Re-Rowing Katy and The Big Snow 2016 Edition!

Character Trait:  Dependable    You can be counted on!

If you don't have the book or would enjoy 
watching here ya go:  Katy and the Big Snow
                                       Katy and the Big Snow

Social Studies  

  • Running A City
  • Relationships - Responsibilities
  • Street Signs - make a city with street signs for matchbox or in our case ..the wood town 
  • Snowplows!!
              Railroad Snowplow
              Snowplow in DEEP snow
                Snowplows on Patrol - from library

**** Beefing Up:



***Beef Up:

  •   Research either Snowplows or Running a City and write 1-3 paragraphs about it.
  • Write a short story about what would happen if a city doesn't have street signs or rules
  • Play Grammar Gorillas - Make sure you have Adblocker Plus installed!!!
        ****Bonus:  Watch Auto B Good:  Land of Odds    - we have this


  • Details!
  • Snowplows- Look up in Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia or google pics
  • Copy a picture from Katy!


  • My kids know this but....addition, subtraction, multiplication, division using the pics 

****Beefing Up:


  • Weather 
         Difference in Weather and Climate

         What Will the Weather Be? by Lynda Dewitt - We have this

Read Alouds

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