Saturday, November 8, 2014

How to Make An Apple Pie And See The World!

Social Studies 

- Italy, France, Sri Lanka, England, Jamaica, Vermont

                          Lapbook for Italy
                          Lapbook for France   **you need to click on the France tab it downloads automatically so I
                                                            link it here"

                          Sri Lanka

                          Flag of Sri Lanka
                           England/  Great Britain
                           Lapbook for England


                          Lapbook for Vermont - take your pick :)

                          Color FIAR Disk
                          Color Flag of Countries



Repetition - make ups stories with repetition, look at poems with repetition 
Vocab -  Crossword puzzle maker
                     word search
                     make a game on Zondle

****Beefing Up

  • Write a sentence using repetition
  • Write a paragraph (or short story) using some of the vocabulary words


Street Scenes, Apple Pie
          Make a Picture in the Style of the Artist
          Make an Apple Pie
          Make an Apple Pie online - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!


Liquid & Dry Measurement
            Liquid Measurement Song
            Liquid Measurement Game - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
            OJ Game - - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
            Gallons, Quarts & Pints - play with water

***Beefing Up            

Make up Math Story Problems


Salt, Cinnamon

                 Making Salt Crystals

                 Mighty Machines - Deep Underground

                 Salt Facts, History & Science

                  The Cinnamon Story

                  Introduction to Cinnamon Industry in Sri Lanka  - For older students  

***Beefing up

  • Research and write a report on the history of salt
  • Research and write a report on the spice trade or give oral presentation

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