Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Book Of Knowledge Encyclopedias!

So If you're looking at using The Robinson Curriculum or  are currently using RC (or even if you don't) you may be wondering about how kids will learn things besides what's in the booklist (not that it isn't fabulous because it is).  Here's where Dr. Robinson recommends The Book of Knowledge Encyclopedias and the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica in the Course of Study.  The 1911 Encyclopedia is included in the CD's but I recommend buying them since there are so many but you do have the option so that's nice. The other encyclopedia, The Book Of Knowledge,  you can use for younger children is not on the CD's.  If you're like me you may want to see what in the world is included and a little history.  So here you go.  I Highly recommend The Book Of Knowledge and in fact have 2 copies of them.  All other current event type stuff or  high tech technology you can get at a library...for free.  So why would I pick really, really old encyclopedias??  Because humanism hadn't pervaded every nook and cranny and these actually speak of God and the Bible, not as some reference material but as the Word of God.

The cool part to these encyclopedias is that they are arranged randomly rather than by alphabetically.  So in one volume you may read about the great poets of the romantic period, water, engineering etc.  I find myself picking them up and reading them they are so interesting...but I'm a geek like that.

Here's the history of them  The Book of Knowledge History

They also came with a Study Guide and Character Guide:

The Study guide could be it's own curriculum it's so packed with info and arranged by grades.  Very cool stuff!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Wild Horses of Sweetbriar Links

***Updated 7/2015

Here's the book being read 

Social Studies - Nantucket
                          Nantucket Island

                           Island of Wild Horses- Chicoteaque

                          Chincoteaque   Wild Horse Swim

                          Living in Isolation-discuss
                          Go Swim in the Pool like the horses!!

                          Misty of Chincoteaque - THE MOVIE  1961


LA - Fiction vs. Non-fiction
         Drama - Act Out
         Color a wild horse page

Art -  Spattering for Effect
          Depicting Memories or Dreams
          Make a Picture in the Style of the Artist

Math - Gallons, Quarts & Pints - play with water
            Liquid Measurement Song
            Liquid Measurement Game - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
            OJ Game

Science - Weathering & Erosion
                 Erosion and Weathering
                   Weathering and Erosion    *** Beef up for olders...great shot of Cape Cod!!
                 Bill Nye Weathering - ***References to millions of years
                 Childcraft-World & Space pg 40
                 Erosion Pics
                 Cape Cod House Weathering Pics

                  Childcraft Encyclopedia -Our Amazing Bodies pg196-197