Monday, April 29, 2013

Robinson Curriculum Homeschool Planner

I just came across this new planner that is GREAT for Robinson Curriculum, Self Learning users (like ACE) or if you just need a chore chart.  It's called My Student Logbook.  If you're familiar with Robinson than you may know that there's a checklist described that Ann used in the Keeping Organized section of the Robinson Curriculum website.  Well  now there is a family using the curriculum that is producing the checklist.

This system is VERY similar to the post I had here a couple of weeks ago and I still think that's a great system but if you don't want to make the charts then you can pick this one up prebound.  The one drawback I see would be that the mom can't see what's going on unless she looks at the book where with HomeschoolHowTo's  "How To Make Optimal To-Do Charts Renee talks about having the chart posted where it can be easily seen by the mom so she can see exactly what's going on.  I still think getting "Optimal To-Do Chart's" is worth the money because it goes into the why and how to step up a system that gets it's only $3@!!  


  1. Thank you so much for this. I am now pursuing both planners and am on a mad reading and listening to Renee Ellison streak!

  2. You're Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you found something of use!
