Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Amanda Bennett Birthday Bash Every Day $3

If you follow my blog you know we love Amanda Bennett Unit Studies and use them all the time.  They were an answer to prayer when I didn't want to pull my own units together (which I think is more mommy intensive than kid friendly or useful) when I found these.  They truly are download and go!  

Every day this week Amanda Bennett Unit Studies will have different sales to celebrate so this is a GREAT time to go get some units.  They have also been running 5 for $5 off and I'm not sure if it applies but IF it does apply to the sales.... go...go now and pick up some of these!  If you have an Ipad you can download  GoodReader from Itunes and do these units ON YOUR IPAD! 

Click the pic above and then up at the right hand corner click the specials tab and you'll find the days offerings.

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