Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer No TV Fun!

So...what do you do when its summer,  triple digits outside and the kids are going stir crazy?

I've found these books invaluable when weather (or dinner) keeps the kids indoor.

This one is out of print but you can barrow it with ILL.

The best thing I learned from these books was to have a busy can where you list on 3 x 5 cards things your kids can do without supervision so you can get something done and not turn on the TV babysitter.  You can even let the kids decorate the can so they can have ownership of it.  The other idea that I thought was great was a traveling bag that has things your kids can do in the car.

Go check these books won't be sorry :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Rocking Robot Wrap Up

Last week we finished our first Download N Go from Amanda Bennett so I thought I'd let you see how it came out.

Click on the Pic if you want the link

Here's what's included in the week from the Website Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett:

Day 1: What Is a Robot?
Day 2: The History of Robots
Day 3: People and Places of Robots
Day 4: Science Secrets of Robots
Day 5: Goodies and Gadgets of Robots

Did you know that robots build cars, defuse bombs, load dishwashers, cook omelets, vacuum, and even play in an orchestra? When was the term robot first used? Did Leonardo da Vinci really design the first humanoid robot? How are robots built? What will they be like years from now?
Most scientists and engineers believe that we have just begun to scratch the surface of all that we can do with robots and that the best is yet to come. The robot's fascinating history is an unforgettable study in itself, but there are so many neat science topics to investigate and exciting things to do!

Here's a pic of the lapbook that we did...minus the picture of the robot they built....bad mommy.

We also added these videos:

Day 1  Backyardigans - Mission To Mars
Day 2  Backyardigans - Robot Rampage  & Max & Ruby Ruby Scores (has Lilliput in it)
Day 3  Backyardigans - Deep Sea 
Day 4  Oswald - Naughty Cat & Nova Racing Robots
Day 5   Curious George - X17 (can't actually remember the name of this one)

We bought:

Robot Coloring book from Dover
Robot Sticker Book from Dover

Books we used from Library:
Cars on Mars
My Robot

Books we had:
Childcraft Space
Childcraft Ocean

  • Day 1 was about Mars and the Mars rovers that have been used to send info and pics back home. There was lots of rover play at the house.  We had the book Space from our Sonlight.
  • Day 2   Da Vinci and the first robot.  We built a water clock which was used OVER AND OVER!  
  • Day 3 Ocean Exploration using robots!  The kids decided to play submarine.  We had the Titanic Lost & Found book from Sonlight.
  • Day 4 Androids...I am a robot was heard ALOT around the house
  • Day 5 Farm equipment....we have seen or have alot of this so it was fun to talk about what daddy does

Overall...Ridiculously happy time learning about the history and uses of robots was had by all (including mommy).  

The thing I love the best about this unit study was you really didn't need to add ANYTHING to it.  It really was just download n go but I had some stuff and I knew the kids would like the stickers so I just added a little...very little.  There was maybe 10 minutes of time for me to reserve a couple of books, order coloring book and stickers and print out what I needed otherwise I just opened my Ipad and went.   An open and go unit study...amazing!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Midsummer Unit Fun

Amanda Bennett is at it again with GREAT unit study bargains just in time for Midsummer Fun!  AND  you also get an additional $5.00 off if you buy 5!  That makes each unit about $3.00!  I blogged about why I like these units better than others here

Join us on a Great Adventure!

Get ready to take off on some great, outdoor adventures, while enjoying out-of-this-world savings this week! We've got five, new titles on sale, perfect for inspiring long walks, stargazing, and appreciation of God's miraculous creation!

This week - buy 5 studies and get an additional $5 off
(buy the 5 titles on sale this week, and you save even more!)

Unit Study Adventure - K-12, 4 week - $5

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Olympics Unit Study SCORE!

So yesterday I went onto facebook...which I RARELY do to check out the Amanda Bennett Unit studies and guess what?  Right at that moment they were doing a discount code for their Olympics Unit for $5.00 off to the first 8 people!

I scored a 4 week unit for $6.00~  Holy Cow!  And they are doing a co-op on their facebook page so I think I know what we're doing for August now!  ;^)

well... that plus reading our Sonlight and Robinson stuff of course

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Unit Study Fun

So I'm not a huge fan of unit studies because the mom spends more time putting stuff together and PLANNING than I think the kids actually get out of it.  It seems like there is a lot of paper craft stuff that doesn't seem to be of any real educational value to warrant the LARGE amount of time (mom's mostly) doing it.  I do like FIAR because I don't have to do anything beside read a great book.  The same for Sonlight.  When I read a great book it doesn't take long for my kidlets to start "playing" what they have heard which means they are internalizing what they've heard and living with that.   So is there anything I do think is great about them? Well yes.  Having the kids learning together for one thing.  Delight directed learning at that, where they get to choose what they learn.  I'm not talking about the 3r's here.  That's done in the morning.  No I'm talking about those rabbit trails that happen when you're kid keeps asking you about something and you find books out of your personal library (aka Sonlight or the many sets of encyclopedias you have) to let them find out.  Notice I didn't say me find out.  Or how about youtube for when you need to find that train they really want to look at?...oh is that just me?  I didn't think so.

So then WHY would I put this post up if I'm not overly fond of unit studies?

Because I found one that doesn't involve tons of mom time but the kids can explore and have fun.  Now I'm going to say you probably should have a Ipad (we do) or some kind of tablet to make this really soar but you don't have to.  So what is it?

Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett

These things rock!  You download them and your ready with everything you need.  You can add the suggested books IF you want but most of them are not necessary (but cool if you have them).  All of these are internet linked so you just push the button and tada!  You have what you need!  We happen to be studying The Little Red Lighthouse and The Great Gray Bridge and guess what?  There was a sale for the lighthouse unit. COOL!  Seriously I like these well enough that I can see us adding this in for our afternoon funtime.

Right now there's an awesome sale going on for summer themed stuff

This week - buy 5 studies and get an additional $5 off
(buy the 5 titles on sale this week, and you save even more!)

Download N Go - K-4, 1 week - $4
Sunny Seashells
Dolphin Days
Whale Tales

Unit Study Adventure - K-12, 4 week - $5

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Your Story Hour Online

Need some wholesome audio books and have your kids learn at the same time?  Ya me too so I have Your Story Hour and now I just found out you can listen online.  Very CM when you are needing some rest for your vocal chords.

Your Story Hour Online

Math On The Level Alternative

So I've seen Math On The Level and lots of people LOVE this curriculum because you teach where your child is at, not teach what the curriculum says is suppose to be going on right now.  It's basically a list with ideas and games on how to teach that concept whether it's addition, get the idea.  The only thing is it's expensive.  To the tune of $300.  Yes it's for 6-8 years but still.  I'm never one to not shell out cash for the kids but I've found something that I "think" works as well and is A LOT cheaper.  I say "think" because I don't use MOTL program so keep that in mind.  I think it's a really great alternative to Math On The Level.

So What is it?