Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Really? or What Are We Going to Read Now?

So Summer is upon us.  We have planted most of our garden and our little friend Groundhog has managed to help himself last night to almost my ENTIRE garden....yes...i'm bitter.

To keep my mind occupied I was thinking about summer.  That always makes me smile.  Sunshine, butterflies..ah..that's better.  We homeschool year-round but if you don't you may be wondering what to do for summer.  Most people who don't do school year round go on holiday schedule.  Which usually means keeping up on a little math and ALOT of reading.  If you're wondering what to actually read may I suggest something?  Try the Robinson Curriculum list found at Rosegate Harbour or Sonlight has set up a summer reading list.  They even have broken it down by boy or girl and school that. if fixing my garden was this easy....

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