Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sonlight vs HOD day 4!

It's official...we are HOD flunkies.

That's right...we lasted 4 days.  Any curriculum that makes your kid say "please don't read that"  points to something wrong for your family.  At least that's what I figured out.

I pulled out the books to start and my oldest said "please don't read that anymore"  "I don't like that book."  Okay let's go to the other one.  "I don't like that one either"  "what do you like"  He pulled out our Sonlight stuff and FIAR stuff.  'nuff said.

Now to be honest I don't think 4 days is enough to tell much about anything but I also don't think it should be torture to use either.  I'm pretty fast on the uptake so I was able to give you a list of "pros" and "cons" that was evident to me very quickly but happy sad that I will not be able to post my thoughts after using it for several weeks.  

*BTW...the songs were torture to listen to..

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