Monday, January 30, 2012

Gregory's Shadow!

Today we started Gregory's Shadow in celebration of Candlemas and Groundhog Day which are both on Feb. 2.  We learned about bravery and used Psalm 27:1.  We then looked at the pictures and noticed they were done with pencil and acrylics and busted out the art supplies for some impromptu drawing.

We learned about shadows and cast our own shadows using a lamp.  We learned about the calendar and used Around The Year by Tasha Tudor to talk about the 12 months.  We also keep a calendar that I draw every month and we talked about that.  We watched Punx. Phil on groundhog day and we're bummed to find out we'd have 6 more weeks of winter! (although we've had a really warm and nice winter).  We learned about groundhogs using The Handbook of Nature Study and we happen to have a groundhog in our yard so we talked about that ALOT.  Including the fact that we have seen our groundhog in the TREES!  so they can also at most of my square foot garden so he's not my most favorite animal.

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