Friday, December 23, 2011

Homemade Face Cream

Ingredients for making Face Cream
  • 1 cup Grape Seed, Olive Oil or Jojoba Oil
  • ¼ cup Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1 tsp. Lanolin
  • ½ oz. grated Beeswax
  • 2/3 cup Distilled Water
  • ½ cup. Aloe Vera Gel or Juice
  • Vitamin E at least 10,000 IU
  • Vitamin A at least 150,000 IU
  • 2 drops Essential Oil of your choice
  • Clean Cream or Lotion Jars 
  • Before you begin making your face cream, ensure that all the ingredients are at room temperature.
  • The first step is to mix the grape seed oil, coconut oil, lanolin and beeswax and put them in the top pan of the double boiler. Apply low heat to the boiler and heat the mixture until the mixture has melted.
  • Once melted, take it out from the pan and pour it in a glass measuring cup. Allow it to cool until it reaches room temperature.
  • Now, put the distilled water, aloe vera, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and essential oil in a mixer. Make sure that you blend them at the highest speed. While you blend them, drip the above made oil mixture into the mixer.
  • The lotion would start getting thicker and the mixer would get slow in speed. Turn off the mixer when you reach this stage. The face cream is ready!
    Pour the cream in fresh cream or lotion jar and store them in a cool place. If you do not intend to use the cream for a few weeks, you can as well put the jar in the refrigerator. 

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