Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Net10 Customer Service FIASCO

Well we decided that spenidng almost $200 on cell phones was ridiculous and decided to search out some changes.  For me we got Simple Mobile $40 for unlimited everything!  I bought a used iphone,  Simple Mobile micro sim card, mini sim card tray off ebay and I was up and running.  Not so much for my BT.

We decided to go with Net10 and have his number ported since he doesn't call much but needed good coverage for when he's out in BFE working.  I bought a cheap slide phone off ebay and tried to have it activated ya...that was fun.  They told me they'd have to send a new sim and in the meantime I bought the $20 for 200 roll over minutes card.   The sim card arrived but too much was going on so I waited a bit to have it activated.  Finally after like 2 weeks I decided I finally had a chance to mess with the cell phone problem and  that's when the fun began.  After 5 hours and being disconnected 6 times I found (with my kiddlets going bonkers in the background)  that my sim card that had just been sent had been activated incorrectly.  Now the part I haven't mentioned is that the customer service is good luck understanding what's going on.  After speaking with "supervisor" after "supervisor" who did nothing but repeat the same thing over and over I asked for the US  #.  I got disconnected.  I called back and asked again...I got disconnected again.  Obviously they didn't know who they were messing with...I did what any strong, independent, ex-rock star chick would do...I went to the internet and found THE REAL NUMBER to customer service.

It took about 5 minutes after I called the US # to get what I needed which was another sim card sent and my number ported.  So here is the info for Net10 if this jacked up situation happens to you (some of the info may be're warned):

Customer Support (Executive Resolutions Dept): These numbers tend to be more helpful and have people with more knowledge and better command of the English language.

1-800-626-4883  ******This is the number I called and got help from******

Direct Sales:


Corporate Office: This is not a toll-free number and will more than likely lead you to a voicemail box.

305-715-6673 (M-F 9am - 6pm EDT)

Corporate Address: These are the corporate addresses of the company. I suggest mailing the CEO and others. Sometimes having a name on the letter saves it from being passed off and replied to with a form letter statement.

Tracfone Wireless, Inc.
8390 Nw 25th St
Miami, FL 33122-1504

Fj Pollak
President and Chief Execuitve Officer of Miami based TracFone, United States
Tracfone Wireless Inc
8390 Nw 25th St
Miami, FL 33122-1504

Stephan J. Ritter
Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Tracfone Wireless Inc
8390 Nw 25th St
Miami, FL 33122-1504

Kevin Gulbranson
Senior Vice President of Product Management
Tracfone Wireless Inc
8390 Nw 25th St
Miami, FL 33122-1504

Paul Kozma
SVP Operations
Tracfone Wireless Inc
8390 Nw 25th St
Miami, FL 33122-1504

Head of Refund Department: This is a name and extension of someone known to work at the Executive Resolutions Department.

1-800-339-9345 ext 3214
or ext 6673

Warehouse: This is where Tracfone usually tells people to send their phones.

Tracfone Wireless Inc
Attention Warehouse
8390 Northwest 25th St
Miami FL 33122

Email Addresses:

Stephan J. Ritter
Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Melissa Sanchez

1 comment:

  1. I was a Net10 customer for a long time, and am no longer as of last Friday. The issues have been on going. I have spent a total of 8 hours on the phone with these people. They double charged me in October and they said they would credit my account for November that did not happen. Between Sept 1 and Oct 31 this company has withdrawn $406 from my bank account and I can prove it. I have two phones with Net10 they are ~$90.00 together a month. The customer service agents just continue to say they didn’t do this when I am looking in my bank account and seeing these withdraws. They are adamant that they did not do these charges and refuse me to send a fax, email or even a handwritten letter. They of course turned my phone off on Thanksgiving day. I refuse to give even one red cent to these people. I want my money you company stole out of my bank account
