Thursday, January 20, 2011

Home Made Dryer Sheets - Reusable

Adding to my previous post... here's another that's fantastic and really works. We use organic fabric softner for ours but I suppose you can use the old fashion kind ;0)

Reusable Homemade Dryer Sheets

Flannel pieces
4 TBS liquid softener
10 TBS water

  • Cut fabric sheets from old flannel pajamas or leftover flannel fabric from sewing and cut into 3″ x 5″ strips (approximately).
  • Stack flannel strips in a cleaned margarine tub (large size) or plastic container (cleaned baby wipes container works well too). Mix the liquid softener and water together, then pour evenly over top of stacked flannel strips.
  • Seal container and shake well.

You can use several dozen strips with this mixture. Leave sealed for 2 or 3 days, then use one flannel strip per load–squeeze out excess if necessary (it should be just damp). Keep container sealed at all times. Wash strips after use, then use again to make another batch when needed.

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