Thursday, November 19, 2015

Cranberry Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving Unit

Here's a repost of Cranberry Thanksgiving ...Just in time for Thanksgiving!

***If you can't get the book you can watch it being read here:


  • Memory Verse  Psalm 100:4

Social Studies  

  • Geography - New England
                             Map of New England
                             National Geographics New England
                             What's the Time and Weather in Cape Cod   - put it on the thermometer

                             13 Colonies
                             Thirteen Colonies  - **in depth for beefing up

***Beefing Up

  • Research the Thirteen Colonies or Cape Cod or New England and write a report or do an oral presentation.


  • Repetition
  • Vocabulary
               Make a Word Search from Vocab words

  • Simile
               Simile game    

Beefing It UP!

  •   Grammar-  Noun - watch Schoolhouse Rock - Noun  Using one of the sentences in the book circle or color the nouns in School Journal (composition book) or Worksheet Works (you can do this with verbs, adjectives or adverbs also)
  • Play the Nouns and Verbs  - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!! 
  • Write a sentence using a similie
  • Write a paragraph (or sentence) using some of the vocabulary words


    • Warm Palette
                Warm Colors
                Warm Colored Pics

    ***Beefing Up

    • Draw a picture using the warm color palette


    • Measuring Skills

    *****Beefing it Up!


    • Starch
             Testing for Starch
    • Leavening Agents
    • Cranberries
               How Does It Grow? Cranberries

    ****Beefing Up

    • Research and write an essay (report) on Cranberries or give an oral presentation.


    Thanksgiving CrosswordMake sure you have an Ad blocker program!!

    Go Along:

    The Very First Thanksgiving

    Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving  ** Excellent but long...shows the providence of GOD


    William Bradford Biography Nest Entertainment

    Plymouth Plantation Virtual Tour

    Virtual Tour of the Mayflower II

    The Real Thanksgiving Story - (The Story of Liberty)

    Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 

    Charlie Brown Mayflower Voyage

    The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't

    The Mouse On The Mayflower

    Read Alouds:

    Pilgrim Stories
    The Story Of The Pilgrims For Children


    Your Story Hour - Persecuted and Betrayed      Part 1 & 2
    Your Story Hour - The First Thanksgiving          Part 3 & 4

    Link to a playlist on youtube:

    Thanksgiving - haven't viewed all these but on first glance they look okay..probably more for older kids

    Thanksgiving Hymns:

    We Gather Together (Perry Como) - my son picked this...who knew??  This is the hymn they sing in the book.

    Thanksgiving Hymns  Playlist - just like being in a cathedral!

    Thanksgiving  Playlist - this has some classic moderns in it

    And For Mom:

    The Thanksgiving Promise

    An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving

    Saturday, August 1, 2015

    The Duchess Bakes A Cake Links!!

    If You Cant Get This


    • Read Galatians 6:7 

    Social Studies  

    • Feudal Society - Middle Age
    The Middle Ages in 3 1/2 Minutes - Nice for older kids

    • Color Disk
    • Read about Medieval period in Golden Book Encyclopedias or online encyclopedia
    • Make A Castle!

    ****Beefing It Up

    • Research a King or Queen and write a paragraph about what you've learned.
    • Research Medieval period and write a paragraph about what you've learned

       Language Arts 

    • Alliteration
    Word World: Pig's Perfect Pizza -  Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
    Dr Seuss' ABC is ALL Alliteration

    • Rhyme Scheme
    • Synonyms 
    Synonym Game Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
    Word Frog Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!

    ****Beefing It UP

    • Write a sentence (or two) using the vocabulary words.
    • Put Vocabulary Words in Alphabetical Order
    • Write a poem using the Rhyme Scheme  AABBCC
    • Copywork - make copywork from the book or a bible selection
    • Write a sentence using Alliteration
    • Write a sentence using one or two of the Vocabulary words.
    Grammar-  Verbs

    • Watch Schoolhouse Rock - Verbs
    • Using one of the sentences in the book as copywork,  circle or color the verbs in School Journal     (composition book) or Worksheet Works
    • Play Ice Cream Talk - Choose verbs Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
    •  Learn the State of Being Verbs:  is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been
    • Learn about Contractions - Watch first with sound then turn off sound so they can read it.

    Play Contraction Memory  Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!



      • Type Style Old English
      • Foreshadowing - Catching The Clues
      • Activities with a Medieval Theme


      • Number 13
      • Measuring  - Liguid and Dry Ingredients
                  Liquid Measurement Game - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program
      OJ Game- Make sure you have an Ad blocker program
      measure some flour!

      ***Beefing It Up!

           Count The Money Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
                      Cash Out!  Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!


      • Nutrition
      Plan a Meal!

      ****Beefing Up

       Research Nutrition and write a 3 paragraph report.  


      Life of The King In The Middle Ages - Fun for Mom and older kids
      Secrets of The Castle - GREAT docu for mom & olders
      Bugs Bunny In King Arthur's Court - funny but can be rude
      Leaky Faucet, Katrina's Birthday Cake - Oswald - super cute for the little crowd

      If you can find Bing Crosby's  -A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court - that might be fun for mom  **I haven't seen this in a LONG time so you're warned
      Danny Kaye's  - Court Jester   - might be fun  ***has sorcery so you're warned 

      Read Aloud

      Monday, July 27, 2015

      Henry The Castaway!!


      • Read Numbers 13 - Exploring the Land

      Social Studies  

      • Explorers 
                                  Explorers of North America
                                   Explorers of the New World  - May be tiresome for the smallest so do in parts
      • Color Disk
      • Read About explorers in Golden Book Encyclopedias or online encyclopedia
      • Map Skills - make a map of the house (or yard)

      ****Beefing It Up

      Research an explorer and write a paragraph about what you've learned.

         Language Arts 

      • Vocabulary:  Orinoco River, Crocodile, Yellow Fever
      • Allusion

      ****Beefing It UP

      Write a sentence (or two) using the vocabulary words.
      Put vocabulary in alphabetical order
      Copywork - make copywork from the book or a bible selection

      Grammar-  Adjectives

      • Watch Schoolhouse Rock - Adjectives
      • Using one of the sentences in the book as copywork,  circle or color the adjectives in School Journal     (composition book) or Worksheet Works

                              -Quotes   "   "

      •                  Learn about quotes and then do the practice.  Write a sentence using quotes.  
                            - Commas

      •                 Download and do this practice sheet


        • Expression
                                    Draw a picture in the style of the artist using expressions
        • Mixed Medium


        •  Tallying  
        Tally ChartMake sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
        Tally GameMake sure you have an Ad blocker program!!

        ***Beefing It Up!

              Deep Dive - Multiplication Game Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
                         Estimation Game - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
        Estimation Game 2 - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
        Place Value Fun Game - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!
        Place Value Hockey - Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!!


        • Survival Skills

        • River Currents

         National Geographic Currents
        National Geographic Orinoco River - ***tribal nudity (far away though...)


        Your Story Hour - Yellowjack    ***about yellow fever, could be a bit much for the younger crowd

        ****Beefing Up
                 Research River Currents, Orinoco, Crocodiles, Kingfisher or Scottish Terrier and write a 3 paragraph report.  

        Read Aloud

        Robinson Crusoe or Listen

        The House at Pooh Corner (Winnie-the-Pooh)

         Winnie-the-Pooh, the Original Version
         The One In Which Christopher Robin Leads an Expotition To The North Pole  **if you can only read one chapter this one is great

        Please do NOT get the Disney version!  The original has wonderful illustrations that all children should see and love!

        Tuesday, July 21, 2015

        Climbing Kansas Mountains Links!

        Social Studies


        State Symbols

          Father Son

          Language Arts


          Descriptive Writing

          ****Beefing Up

          • Write a sentence using a simile
          • Have child write a story using descriptive language


          Mixed Medium - Pastels, Charcoal and Colored Pencils

          • Color a Picture in the style of the artist
          Four Dough Map



          Grain Measurements

          Adding and Multiplying
          • Math problems using 8 or 10 feet x stories of building


          Wheat to Flour

          For Fun:
          Bringing In The Harvest

          Read Aloud:  Little Red Hen