Thursday, March 26, 2015

The BEST KONOS Workshop EVER!!!

Update:  This workshop is FREE on youtube


I have all the KONOS stuff like "Creating the Balance" DVD (and VHS!?!?!) and for really old skool i've got "How To Use KONOS Curriculum" on in cassette tape.  Ya baby, that's old skool.  But I've never really felt like "oh ya,  I can do that!!!"  Mostly I felt like, wow, I must need to be the energizer bunny just to get it all done.  Honestly the KONOS website is confusing to me and cluttered so I just don't go there.  But my KONOS love/hate has just changed.  

 I've known about the South African distributor of KONOS (OIKOS) for years but a couple of days ago I ran across their easy, uncluttered website again.   They have a  KONOS workshop that you can watch on Vimeo for $5!  It was THE BEST 5 bucks I've spent in a LONG time.  It shows how simple and EASY using KONOS can be.  The website is so easy to navigate and get started using KONOS that it's as simple as watching the videos and do what they say.  What a breath of fresh air that my little homeschool needed! :)

If you're confused with KONOS and unit studies in general go to the OIKOS website and watch the videos (free!)'s life changing! 

and no...I've not been paid to say this or given anything for free...just sharing the love.

Easter - Konos Unit Links 2015

Day 1 - Palm Sunday

Review Definition of Love/Generosity  pg 1
      Giving With A Happy Heart

Read Objectives
       A.  To appreciate God's Generosity to us
       B.  To give generously
              1.  Cheerful
              2.  Motivated by love
              3.  Appropriate to the person
              4.  Within limits

Start Definitions for Vocabulary

Begin Memorizing John 3:16

Read Luke 19:28-44
    Discuss how the Jewish people expect Jesus to be a physical king for Isreal.
    They were expecting him to rid them of the Roman empire.
    They didn't understand  that he was coming as the King of Heaven and Earth which
    is why later they yelled "crucify him".


Listen to Handel's Messiah on Youtube
and looked up the verses which were all from scripture.

Discuss Triumphal Entry
The Mount of Olives - Lion and the Lamb Ministries

Make Palm Leaves out of hand prints
        draw around hands on green paper and attach to a stick

Dramatize Jesus' Entry
      Wrap head with towel or flour sack  
       Lay down bath towels
       Say "Blessed be the King that cometh in the
                name of the Lord: Peace in heaven,
                and glory in the highest"

27.  Start Easter Tree - Palm Ornament

Day 2- Passover, Maundy Thursday

Review Definition of Love/Generosity  pg 1
      Giving With A Happy Heart

Read Objectives
       A.  To appreciate God's Generosity to us
       B.  To give generously
              1.  Cheerful
              2.  Motivated by love
              3.  Appropriate to the person
              4.  Within limits

Start Definitions for Vocabulary

Begin Memorizing John 3:16


Copy John 3:16 and decorate to hang up in a place of honor

Read Luke 22:7-30

3.  Observe Da Vinci's Last Supper read about it's history

Last Supper - Khan Academy

4.  Make Unleavened Bread - Matzah Recipe

Handmade Matzah Factory

5.  Recline at a table to eat

The Seating Plan at The Last Supper- I'm not catholic but found this fascinating...

6.  Washing one another's feet - Read the activity...there's a lot

History of Feet Washing - Maundy Thursday

My personal note here is that I tried to find scripture about
women having their feet washed and there is none.  It describes
slaves or women washing feet but not free men.

27.  Easter Tree - Clearing The Temple, make birdcage ornament

Your Story Hour - Betrayal or buy Individual Here

Day 3- Hearing & Trial - Good Friday!

Review Definition of Love/Generosity  pg 1
      Giving With A Happy Heart

Read Objectives
       A.  To appreciate God's Generosity to us
       B.  To give generously
              1.  Cheerful
              2.  Motivated by love
              3.  Appropriate to the person
              4.  Within limits

Make Cross word with definitions for Vocabulary
Make Artwork with John 3:16 to put on mantle

** On Good Friday - Make sure curtains are closed from 9:00am to 3:00pm - darkness and prayer, meditation & quiet

Continue Memorizing John 3:16


16.  Read Jesus' Trial
17.  Good Friday
18.  He GAVE his life!
22.  Hot Cross Buns!  Recipe for breadmaker
23.  Hot Cross Buns Shout!

27.  Easter Tree - Widow's Mite

Watch - The Robe  or Here but you'll have to pay for it or Netflix has it this year on streaming

Your Story Hour - Trial or buy Individual Here

Day 4 - Easter Around The World

Review Definition of Love/Generosity  pg 1
      Giving With A Happy Heart

Read Objectives
       A.  To appreciate God's Generosity to us
       B.  To give generously
              1.  Cheerful
              2.  Motivated by love
              3.  Appropriate to the person
              4.  Within limits

Make word search with definitions for Vocabulary


25.  Easter Symbols
28.  Easter around the world
30.  Egg Roll
33.  Egg Math

27.  Easter Tree - Bread, loaves, grapes

Make Cross art using cellophane tape and colors...make cross with cellophane tape, color, remove tape

Your Story Hour - The Road To Skull Hill or Buy Individual Here

Day 5 - Review

Review Definition of Love/Generosity  pg 1
      Giving With A Happy Heart

Read Objectives
       A.  To appreciate God's Generosity to us
       B.  To give generously
              1.  Cheerful
              2.  Motivated by love
              3.  Appropriate to the person
              4.  Within limits

Review the last week of learning!


37.  Egg Roll Games

27.  Easter Tree - Lamb of God

  Watch Easter Parade movie
  Make "He Has Risen" Kite


***Here's my link to how I plan KONOS using sticky notes - it's super fast once you get the hang of it

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Make Way For Ducklings Links!


  • Read Exodus 2:1-10

Social Studies  

  • Geography - Boston, Massachusetts
                            Learn About Massachusetts
                             Flag of Massachusetts
                             What is the Time and Weather in Russia?   - put it on the thermometer
                             Boston Top 10 Attractions
                            Boston Vacation Travel Guide 
                            Boston Common Swan Boats

  • Color Disk
  • Read About Boston & Massachusetts in Golden Book Encyclopedias
  • Map Skills - make a map of the house

   Language Arts 

  • Rhyme
               Make up rhymes
               Play Rhyme Bingo- Make sure you have an Ad blocker program!! 

        Beefing It UP!

                   Copywork - make copywork from the book or a bible selection
                   Grammar-  Adjectives
                   Watch Schoolhouse Rock - Adjectives
                    Using one of the sentences in the book circle or color the adjectives in School Journal     (composition book) or Worksheet Works


    • Medium
    • Caldecott Medal
    • Shading


    •  Multiplication  - There are SO many videos for this on youtube...
    • Converting Days to Weeks - weirdly no videos for this....

              *** Beefing it Up!


    • Ducks Eggs 
               Using the book A Nestful of Eggs  
    • Animal Parenting
    • Migration
              Ducks Unlimited Waterfowl Migration  
              Winged Migration - starts with for 80 millions years bit...

    ****Beefing Up
             Research Migration or Ducks and write a 3 paragraph report.