Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer School Fun Sale - Amanda Bennett

Looking for some summer fun??? Check out these FUN unit studies from Amanda Bennett.  The Rocking Robot is one of my kids FAVORITE studies of all time!  You can print them out OR use them on your Ipad.  Just cuddle up on the couch and go!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Big Ol List Of Audio Books! - NO TV Summer

Here's my second post on alternatives to TV for summer...or beyond!

Here's my post on Kiddie Hi-Fi - classic kid records on the internet for download!!

Our favorite pay for listening....Sparkle Stories!!

My Audio School for everything classic literature!! all organized for your ease of use. 

Librovox!!  you can use this for even your listening pleasure.  These are all public domain books read by regular people.
Internet Archive...tons here..you'll have to know what you're looking for so here's some to start:

                      Let's Pretend
                    Old Time Radio - This one alone you could be lost for days...keep in mind most of this was just entertainment so you'll need to wade through it like you do the TV

Wholesome Childhood is running a Summer Fire Sale on Audios for the next 5 days and their sister site

Homeschool Freebie of the Day usually has an audio every couple of days.  They are the authors of :

Homeschool Radio Shows

Here's my post about Your Story Hour is great because they are coming from a christian perspective. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Summer NO TV Post..current edition

This is a repost from June 2012

So...what do you do when its summer,  triple digits outside and the kids are going stir crazy?

I've found these books invaluable when weather (or dinner) keeps the kids indoor.

This one is out of print but you can borrow it with ILL.

The best thing I learned from these books was to have a busy can where you list on 3 x 5 cards things your kids can do without supervision so you can get something done and not turn on the TV babysitter.  You can even let the kids decorate the can so they can have ownership of it.  The other idea that I thought was great was a traveling bag that has things your kids can do in the car.

Go check these books out...you won't be sorry :)

and when all else fails...Pintrest!  Look up summer fun and tada!  instant stuff to do.