Monday, July 30, 2012

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

I  had a friend ask me how to stop a bad case of whining.  First check to make sure your child isn't watching some show that has a lot of whining in it  (can someone say Cailou???)  Kids are amazing imitators so I would start there.  Next, when they whine I simply say...I'm sorry I couldn't understand you through all that whining, what did you say?  They almost always say whatever they need in a normal voice at that point.  I'm not big on ignoring whining because it's a habit and a bad one at that and habit training is the basis of parenting.  Sometimes I see people try to teach the lesson of not whining by whining themselves back to the kid but I don't think that actually addresses the problem and often times I see the kid getting mad ( or laughing if they're good natured).  The outcome of my advice...her kid doesn't whine now.  It did take 3 or 4 days of constantly saying "I'm sorry I couldn't..." but that's better than than MMMOOOOOMMMMEEEEE!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Moore Formula Manual!

So you've read the The Succesful Homeschool Family Handbook by Dr. Raymond Moore and you know it's the way you want to go but you don't know how to implement it??  You NEED the Moore Formula Manual.  As a matter of fact I would say anyone who is interested in Dr. Moore or Delight Directed Homeschooling (ie child led, unschooling but probably not radical unschooling) would find this a GEM.    It's quite pricy to the tune of $50.00 and there are no pictures on the website to tell you much about it....but I will!      So what's inside???   Just about everything you'd need for PK-12th with check off lists, suggestions on how to implement...just...well...everything!  Take a look.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

IGuy for Ipad

Sooooo think I *might* have to get this for the kidlets...  IGUY

Pop Bottle Container Garden

No containers for gardening with the kids???...well you do now.  Gardening is one of the BEST things a kid can do!  Science the easy way!