Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Carnival - Fat Tuesday - Mardi Gras

Today is Carnival and in celebration we are eating DOUGHNUTS!  yum...just yum.  ALL DAY!  This is a kid's dream come true.  It has also been a great time to talk about too much of a good thing isn't really good since both boys stopped on number 2 and said they were "going to wait" to finish it.

Rowing Owl Moon

So this week we're rowing Owl Moon.  Monday we did a bible scripture which was Psalm 139 which tells about how God created everything.  We also talked about Father/Son for Social Studies and remembered a time that was special for the boys just with Daddy and we Did setting: woods and we talked about woodland areas which we happen to have in our backyard.  Tuesday we did simile and talked about "like"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

FIAR This Week - President's Day

We're taking a week of from "official" FIAR and just reading about Lincoln and Washington.  We're still hitting the 3R's hard though and Angel Baby has started taking an interest in learning to read....where is the time going???

Friday, February 3, 2012

What Apps - Ieducation??

Every wonder what apps actually work??  Here's  Apps For Homeschooling   I refer to this all the time.  She gives really good reviews on the pros and cons of an app.  Excellent

One Addition Video

So songs are the easiest way for children to remember the rote memory song and we're using youtube to learn our addition facts here's our first one!