Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sales Cycles - How To Stock UP!

Here's a list of the sales cycles for the year so you can stock up when things go on sale and use those coupons to score BIG!


National Oatmeal Month: Quaker
Diet Foods including: Healthy Choice, South Beach, Lean Cuisine, Special K, Kashi, Smart Start, 100 Calorie Packs
Super Bowl Sunday:  Pepsi, Coke, chips, dips, cheese, sandwich items, crackers, snacks, wings
Seasonal Produce: oranges, pears, grapefruits, tangerines, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collards, kale, kiwis, avocados, cabbage, spinach
Clearance:  Christmas decorations, toys, wrapping papers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Winter Health:  cold medicines and vitamins


National Canned Food Month:  canned fruits and vegetables; meats:  tuna, chicken, salmon; pie fillings
National Hot Breakfast Month:  Malt O Meal, oatmeal, Eggo Waffles, syrup
Valentines:  chocolate, Hershey’s, KY Lubricant, etc
Chinese New Year: soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, noodles
Seasonal Produce:  artichokes, asparagus, raspberries, potatoes, strawberries, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collards, kale, kiwis, avocados, spinach


Frozen Food Month: frozen meals, TGI Fridays, Contessa, Foster Farms chicken, Eggo, Sara Lee, Healthy Choice, DiGiorno, Freschetta, Breyers, Dreyers, Marie Callendars
Seasonal Produce: artichokes, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collards, fennel, kale, leeks, lemons, limes, mushrooms, onions, oranges, peas, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, strawberries, tangerines


Easter:  ham; eggs; some baking supplies:  sugar, spices, baking mixes, chocolate chips
Earth Day: organic foods, Energy Saver
Seasonal Produce: artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, grapefruits, avocados, mushrooms, onions, peas, rhubarb
Clearance:  after Easter sales are the time to stock up on decorating, baskets, etc for the next year.


Memorial Day: BBQ sauce, ketchup, condiments, charcoal, salad dressing, potato chips, dips
Paper Products:  plates, utensils
Cinco de Mayo:  salsa, tortillas
Seasonal Produce: artichokes; asparagus; avocados; green beans; beets; blackberries; carrots; sweet Vidalia onions; peas: edible-podded peas,  English Shelling peas; new potatoes; raspberries; strawberries
Outdoor: insect repellant, sunscreen


National Dairy Month:  eggs, milk (free milk Catalina, wyb cereal), ice cream, cheese, butter, yogurt, Cool Whip, in-store dairy coupons or booklets
End of June is Fourth of July Sales: hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ sauce, ketchup, condiments, charcoal, salad dressing, potato chips, dips
Seasonal Produce: apricots, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cherries, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, grapes, honeydews, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, raspberries, red onions, summer squash, strawberries, sweet Vidalia onions, tomatoes, watermelons


National Ice Cream Month
More 4th of July BBQ Sales:  hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ sauce, ketchup, condiments, charcoal, salad dressing, potato chips, dips
End of July, Back to School Sales begin:  crayons, pencils, folders, binders
Seasonal Produce: Asian pears, Bartlett pears, green beans, blueberries, corn, cucumbers, eggplants, figs, garlic, grapes, nectarines, red onions, Valencia oranges, peaches, sweet bell peppers, plums, potatoes, summer squash, tomatoes, watermelon


Back to School: pudding cups, lunch meat,
Staples and Office Depot penny items
Disinfectant:  Clorox, Purell
Clearance:  insect repellant, sunscreen, charcoal
Seasonal Produce: Gravenstein apples, avocados, beans, green beans, berries, corn, cucumber, eggplants, figs, grapes, melons, onions, peaches, Bartlett pears, bell peppers, plums, raspberries, summer squash, tomatillos, tomatoes


Back to School Sales through Labor Day:  crayons, pencils, folders, binders
Diabetes:  Bayer glucose meters, Glucerna cereal
Seasonal Produce: apples, artichokes, beans, bell peppers, chili peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, grapes, onions, Valencia orange, pears (Asian, Bartlett), pomegranates, squash, tomatillos, tomatoes, winter squash


Halloween:  candy
Beginning of the baking sales:  canned pumpkin, evaporated milk, baking chips
National Seafood Month
Adopt a Shelter-Dog Month: Pedigree, Purina
Seasonal Produce: almonds, apples, artichokes, arugula, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, chard, chestnuts, cranberries, lemons, parsnip, pears, pomegranates, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, spinach, winter squash, turnips, yams


Baking Sales in full swing: nuts, chocolate chips, evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut, cake mixes
Canned foods: soup, broth, condensed milk, vegetables, fruits, spaghetti sauce
Thanksgiving: turkey, canned pumpkin, Stove Top stuffing, Betty Crocker boxed potatoes, gravy mixes, Rhodes rolls, frozen pies, cranberry sauce, Jello, marshmallows
Seasonal Produce: Anjou pears, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, Comice pears, cranberries, kiwis, lemons, oranges, potatoes, squash, yams
Clearance:  After Halloween Sales are the time to stock up on things for the next year.  I like to buy the Halloween candy-alternatives like Halloween crayons, erasers, watches, spinning tops, etc.  I mix this in with my next year’s candy bowl, and it stretches my loot for all the neighbor kids!


Holiday Dinner:  egg nog, deli platters, instant potatoes, gravy mixes, Rhodes rolls, frozen pies, cranberry sauce, Jello, marshmallows
Baking: flour, sugar, butter, cream, cake mixes, brownie mixes, muffin mixes, breads, pie crusts, marshmallows, whipped cream
Canned foods: soup, broth, condensed milk, vegetables, fruits, spaghetti sauce
Clearance:  Buy all your Thanksgiving decorations, extra table settings, and turkey carving products now once they’re at least 50% off.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Couponing Myths Exposed!

Here's an awesome list of why couponing really works IF you do it the right way...

This is from Embracing Beauty:

10 Coupon Myths Debunked

Myth #1: Coupons are only for junk food.
While there are a lot of coupons for processed and junk foods, now a days there are just as many coupons for healthy and organic foods too.  I have seen coupons for fruit, eggs, milk, yogurt, bagged salads, frozen veggies, etc.

Myth #2: You can’t save money if a store doesn’t double/triple coupons.
Drug stores such as CVS, Rite Aid & Walgreen’s are great places to save money even though they don’t double or triple coupons.  Most drug stores have excellent store deals, sales, and rebate programs that most grocery stores don’t have. Don’t skip over a store  just because they don’t double coupons. There are many higher dollar coupons which you can combine with a sale for deep discounts and possibly free items.

Myth #3: Shopping at discount stores and dollar stores will save you more money than using coupons.
Dollar Stores are often as expensive as other stores and have many extra disadvantages.  They don’t have the store deals and rebates like other stores do.  Also the food they have was likely to have been sitting on the shelf for a lot longer than at a grocery store.

Myth #4: Only poor people use coupons.
Maybe it’s just me but I am never ashamed to use coupons.  Saving money is more important to me than giving the appearance of wealth.  According to statistics, people with lower income (under $25,000 a year) are less likely to use coupons.  Those in the middle class with a college background are the most likely to use coupons.  Interesting.

Myth #5: You should only use coupons for products you normally buy.
By using coupons, I’ve gotten things for free or incredibly cheap that I would never have bought otherwise.  Our family has new grocery favorites because of high value coupons. I’ve also learned to be more creative in meal planning to incorporate what’s on sale that week.

Myth #6: Store brand products are always cheaper than name brand products.
Yes, it’s true that store brands are typically a little cheaper than name brands.  However, generic is rarely cheaper than name brand when you combine a coupon with a sale.

Myth #7: People who use coupons spend more than people who don’t use coupons.
If you are going to the store and buying everything you have a coupon for especially if the item is not on sale, you will spend more.  However, if you use coupons the right way by combining coupons and store sales you will get rock bottom deals and will undoubtedly cut your grocery bill.

Myth #8: It’s not worth it to shop at multiple stores.
The 3 main stores I shop at are right near each other and 5 minutes from my house, so it really doesn’t take me much time to go from store to store. Even if your stores are not as close as mine, it can be worth it to shop at multiple stores. For instance, if you are able to get $100 worth of product you need for $15 and you only spent $4 extra in gas and an additional 20 minutes, then I would say that would certainly be worth it!  You have to do what is right for you and your family but I wouldn’t rule out going to multiple stores right away without giving it a try.

Myth #9: You shouldn’t clip coupons for products you won’t use.
I clip coupons for every item I might buy.  Some coupons I throw away after they expire because I never found an item on sale.  Don’t dismiss a deal just because you haven’t used a product in the past–keep the coupon and look for a sale. I also recommend swapping unused coupons with a family member or friend. If you don’t have any use for baby coupons save them and give them to a new mom. I also keep coupons for items I know I won’t use and if a sale comes up and I can get the item for super cheap or free I will do so and later donate the item to a local woman’s shelter.

Myth #10: You will save more money by shopping at big box stores.
Big box stores such as Costco or Sams will save you money because you buy items in bulk but you can have much bigger savings if you buy a smaller quantity and use coupons.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sonlight Too Expensive??...Really?

I've heard so many times "you use's so expensive!"  Compared to what?  When you add up all the time I've spent online looking  for books at the library, paying library fines, returning books, picking up books and  scrolling through blogs and boards trying to find "the best"  you start to realize that you've spent more time looking for stuff than acutally DOING homeschool stuff.    So how can someone on a tight budget afford Sonlight?

Well let's start with budgeting.  Do you have a monthly budget for homeschool supplies?  Or do you use tax money?  If you do, start buying gift certificates from Sonlight.  Ask for gift certificates for presents.  Even $10 gift certificates will add up.

Take advantage of their payment plans.  They offer 3 month financing all year.   During April they offer 9 month financing and during May they offer 6 month financing. Cool!

If you have to buy used consider buying the IG from Sonlight so you are still supporting them for the hard work they put into this curriculum.  Then get the books from the library.  You'll have to be pretty organized but it's doable.

Happy Homeshooling!

IHomeschool Apps

Here's a list of apps done by someone on WTM (wish I could remember who but I can't... if you know let me know)

Iphone/touch Apps

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Raw Revolution Bar Recipe

I love Raw Revolution bars BUT...unless Farmer BT becomes a millionaire soon I needed to come up with a recipe.  Which btw sounds easy to find but in fact involves hours trying to find a recipe that actually has the ingredients listed not just someone coming up with random ingredients

 I use plain old plastic wrap and store them in the fridge. 

Raw Chocolate Cashew Bars

1/4 cup chopped dates  (can sub with raisins but will taste different)
1/4 cup cocoa
1/3 cup whole raw pecans, almonds or walnuts
1  Tbl  Raw Honey ( we don't use agave but you can)

I added:
2  Tbl Raw almond butter   (for protein)

Set out two pieces of plastic wrap for shaping and wrapping the bars. Tip:  wet the surface of your counter slightly and then put the wrap on it.  Like magic the wrap will stick to the counter and not to your fingers.   Do this first...just trust me!

Add the nuts to the processor and pulse until finely chopped.  Remove to a bowl you'll add them in back in a minute.

Place the dates, cocoa and the honey in the food processor. If using nut butter you'd add it at this point. Pulse until processed to a gooey paste ball.  (Tip:  use a smaller processor...this doesn't seem to work as well with a bigger processor.)  Now transfer to the bowl with the nuts and your fingers to knead the nuts into the paste.

Divide mixture in half or quarters if you want 100 calorie bars. Place each half (or quarter) on each of  the sheets of plastic wrap. Start to mold into a bar shape.   Get them into the basic bar shape then tightly wrap the plastic around each bar and press them against the counter to get a more "perfect" bar shape. Now just store in the refrigerator. Makes 2 bars or 4 100 cal bars.

Need To Scan Some Books?

Well i'm heading into new territory by buying an Ipad.  I was thinking I wanted to scan some of my kids books and was wondering about some of my bigger books as well. ..and then...I found this by The Golden Road To Samarqand

How To Scan ALOT of book

This mom lives internationally and homeschools her kids by using ereaders and Ipads. 

I love when someone figures things out for me! Now I can take all the stuff I want and have the kids write on the  STill though, part of me thinks it's weird that this generation of kids is not going to be as familiar with books as we are.  I think that's how my parents probably feel about computers...guess I'll get over it.

UPDATE:  ACk!..this post was riddled with typos.  Guess I shouldn't post while kids are running around LOL